Niyozbek Yuli Street
- Event linked to victim
- Linked to developer
- Incident Type
- Forced eviction
- Home demolition
- Human Rights Concerns
- Right to compensation for deprivation of property
- Right to equal protection of the law and to judicial remedy
- Right to information
- Right to participate in public decision-making
- Right to security, including enforceable legal security of tenure
- Қўшилган сана
- 12 апр 2022
- Event linked to victim
- Linked to developer
- Incident Type
- Forced eviction
- Home demolition
- Property development
- Alleged Legal or Regulatory Violations
- Anti-money laundering
- Building and construction
- Compensation
- Environmental
- Governance
- Information and consultation
- Land tenure
- Planning
- Қўшилган сана
- 4 апр 2022
Tashkent City
- Event linked to victim
- Incident Type
- Forced eviction
- Home demolition
- Property development
- Summary
On 28 July 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a Decree [1] «On measures to improve the architectural appearance and improvement of the central part of Tashkent, as well as creation of appropriate conditions for the population and visitors to the capital», which paved the way for the development of $1.3bln mega-urban - “Tashkent City”. It occupied 80 hectares (3.1 square miles) along the main streets, Navoi and Islam Karimov Avenues (former Uzbekistanskaya), which link Olmazor and Furkat Streets [2.1]. Late December 2017, the Soviet era iconic building Dom Kino (Cinema House) [6] was demolished to be replaced with a Congress Centre.
The Tashkent City project required the demolition of traditional mahallas in the Olmazor (Apple Orchard) and O’qchi (Fletcher) neighbourhoods. The area has been a target for redevelopment since the earthquake in 1966, when some mahallas were ruined. However, the Article 4 of “Regulations on the Procedure for Compensation of Damages to Citizens and Legal Entities due to Seizure of Land for State or Public Needs” (2006), which stated that the hokimiyat (municipality) must notify property owners in writing no less than six months before demolition begins. In fact, the process of demolition in the mahallas and relocation of residents began earlier, as the Decree on Tashkent City (2017) required that residential and non-residential buildings be acquired within a month. The district administration visited the mahallas and informed residents that they had 10 days [15] to vacate their homes.” Some residents [16.-17.], however, resisted the eviction by remaining in the area despite the dust and being cut off from electricity and gas.
- Human Rights Concerns
- Right to compensation for deprivation of property
- Right to equal protection of the law and to judicial remedy
- Right to information
- Right to livelihood and land
- Right to security, including enforceable legal security of tenure
- Alleged Legal or Regulatory Violations
- Anti-money laundering
- Compensation
- Due process
- Governance
- Information and consultation
- Land tenure
- Қўшилган сана
- 30 мар 2022
Navoishokh street
- Event linked to victim
- Incident Type
- Forced eviction
- Home demolition
- Property development
- Human Rights Concerns
- Right to compensation for deprivation of property
- Right to equal protection of the law and to judicial remedy
- Right to information
- Right to participate in public decision-making
- Right to security, including enforceable legal security of tenure
- Alleged Legal or Regulatory Violations
- Compensation
- Information and consultation
- Land tenure
- Қўшилган сана
- 17 мар 2022
Sadyk Azimov Street
- Event linked to victim
- Linked to developer
- Incident Type
- Forced eviction
- Home demolition
- Land confiscation
- Property development
- Summary
By the decision № 488 from March 27, 2018, the then Hokim (Mayor) of Tashkent R.Usmanov allocated 2.1 hectares in the centre of the city to a company Training Project LLC. 91 buildings - residential and non-residential – should be demolished. It is stated that Training Project LLC shall reimburse the owners.
- Human Rights Concerns
- Right to a safe and healthy environment
- Right to compensation for deprivation of property
- Right to information
- Right to livelihood and land
- Right to participate in public decision-making
- Right to security, including enforceable legal security of tenure
- Alleged Legal or Regulatory Violations
- Compensation
- Land tenure
- Қўшилган сана
- 10 мар 2022
Test 1
- Event linked to victim
- Incident Type
- Forced eviction
- Home demolition
- Land confiscation
- Public infrstructure
- Human Rights Concerns
- Right to compensation for deprivation of property
- Right to equal protection of the law and to judicial remedy
- Right to information
- Right to life, liberty and security of person
- Right to livelihood and land
- Right to participate in public decision-making
- Alleged Legal or Regulatory Violations
- Compensation
- Due process
- Governance
- Land tenure
- Қўшилган сана
- 25 фев 2022
6 таси кўрсатилган 6 entities